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08719710771Gone are the days of huge bulky machines which need to be installed by an engineer, now you can simply order your Air Conditioner online, have it delivered to your door then away you go!
Simply place your Air Conditioner in the room you wish to cool, close all doors and windows, allow the hose to hang out of a window using the attachment provided then turn it on and enjoy cool, filtered, humid free air.
No engineer is required and no alterations to your office or home. All you need is an Air Conditioner and a window.
If you work in an office with no windows or available ventilation then use one of our Air Coolers.
Although an Air Conditioner is recommended not all offices have the required access for the hose.
Air Coolers are a cheap and effective way to cool down non ventilated rooms. They don't have anywhere near the same cooling power of and Air Conditioner but they're a lot more effective than fans and also have the benefit of being cheaper and quieter than Air Conditioners.